Saturday, July 4

Brendan Monroe

I enjoy the pinks and blues throughout his photography. This has happened to me before, I believe this occurs when photographs aren't developed long enough in the chemicals or not washed off properly, leaving an uneven or blotchy appearance. I love the spooky feel it gives, it works well with such still landscape photographs.

These photos were taken by Brendan Monroe. Check out his website here!


  1. hi Hello, it's me Brendan. Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you like the photos. My site is here:

  2. I loved the photos, caught them on fecal face. I attached the website to the post...
    I was also wondering what technique you used to achieve that colourful appearance in your photography, its so beautiful.


Who is Emmerge?

My photo
Melbourne, Australia
To understand is to lie.

Past always haunts.
