Monday, November 2

Escapists Suit

The Escapists Suit forces the viewer to consider what it means to transform the self into another persona. Although the desire to become someone else or live with numerous selves is not new, here i attempt to approach these ageless human desires in a new way. My piece asks: How can one live with two personas at the same time; both a self and an out-of-body split self? What is lost and what is gained in such double visions? What is imaginary and what is real?

The suit is designed for any human being living in a repetitive, highly structured life, constrained by the ideals of culture and success. The user is to wear the suite, submersing themselves in the underlying text, experimenting with the foreign objects kept within the briefcase, and trying on alter egos, thus projecting them into another realm of existence.

Escapists Suit - Emme Orbach
Text from 'Arthritis and Common Sense', 'Sybil', 'Webster's Dictionary of the English Language' and 'The Penguin Book of English Short Stories'. Suitcase filled with objects found around the home, contents created from a mixture of oils and solvents.
Performed by Aidan Galea

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Who is Emmerge?

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Melbourne, Australia
To understand is to lie.

Past always haunts.
