Tuesday, November 17

I want to live.

I want to live here. In this amazing house. It looks very similar to the first official international Dada Montage Exhibition in 1920, which represented works of artists such as Hausmann, Hoch, and Baader. Assemblage was technique the Dadaists explored in the 1920s, combining the conceptual thoughts of ready-mades and the merging of collage. There were endless possibilities when it came to assemblage, yet objects were usually mundane such as disposable articles, porcelain shards, furniture knobs and wire mesh. The everyday objects selected by the Dadaists quite often reflected upon the technologies founded during world war 1, this was further explored using Dadaists collage, later merging into the surrealists period.

...Anyway back on topic (the house). Id love to live there, or even spend hours exploring the place. Pretty sure its near New Orleans. The bedroom looks so cosy, such a pretty view. So many interesting objects lay on the surface of these photos i wonder what could be found beneath. Id love to just scratch around, looking for whatever my mind wants to find. I hope my house looks like this when Im older.

Photos from Suckapants on Fecalface NYC

Friday, November 13

Another weeks worth

I have posted up another weeks worth of photos at The Pinhole Project.

Atticus Jackson

Atticus Jacksons Photostream5
Atticus Jacksons Photostream4
Atticus Jacksons Photostream1
Atticus Jacksons Photostream2
Atticus Jacksons Photostream6
Atticus Jacksons Photostream3
Atticus Jacksons Photostream

Cant get enough of Atticus Jackson's Photostream. I really enjoy the grain and colour choice in his work let alone the interesting subject matter, often emphasising shape and repetition. Could look at these all day long *sigh*

all photos copyright by Atticus Jackson, i take no credit for such brilliant work.

ilk Bar.


May i ilk your Deer? Last night i witnessed a theremin and guitar duet at Ilk Bar, Collingwood. I loved the venue, the décor was lovingly selected to give off a humble and inviting vibe. It almost resembles an extended lounge room as sports trophies, grandpas television cabinets and taxidermy are seamlessly tucked into the venue. Did i mention the Theremin? such an understated, yet dramatic instrument, so fascinating.

Jim Houser

Im loving the choice of colours here, especially the attention to placement of and colour of the cords. Also enjoying the entire setup, including the miniature pot plant display to the right.

more from the exhibition at fecalface.com
copyright Jim Houser. can take credit for his cooky amp setups.

Thursday, November 12

Dadaists Poetry


Im addicted to Dadaists Poetry. How to?:
- Cut out the words from a selected article from a newspaper.
- Place the words into a cup, hat, shoe (anything goes here)
- Extract the words at random, one by one. The order in which they are selected is how they appear in the poem

I feel they give off a delightful mood, i find it so interesting that something that is picked at random can perceive such meaning and emotion.

The Pinhole Project


My photography project has finally taken off. I posted my first few photos today, view them at The Pinhole Project.

Monday, November 2

One big lovely mess.

Is it so horrible if i admit i never intended the photographs to develop into this circular mess.
Though I'm glad, as i enjoy the round look and unclean cuts between photographs. I hope to create a series of my friends rooms, print them 1 metere squared. More coming.

Escapists Suit

The Escapists Suit forces the viewer to consider what it means to transform the self into another persona. Although the desire to become someone else or live with numerous selves is not new, here i attempt to approach these ageless human desires in a new way. My piece asks: How can one live with two personas at the same time; both a self and an out-of-body split self? What is lost and what is gained in such double visions? What is imaginary and what is real?

The suit is designed for any human being living in a repetitive, highly structured life, constrained by the ideals of culture and success. The user is to wear the suite, submersing themselves in the underlying text, experimenting with the foreign objects kept within the briefcase, and trying on alter egos, thus projecting them into another realm of existence.

Escapists Suit - Emme Orbach
Text from 'Arthritis and Common Sense', 'Sybil', 'Webster's Dictionary of the English Language' and 'The Penguin Book of English Short Stories'. Suitcase filled with objects found around the home, contents created from a mixture of oils and solvents.
Performed by Aidan Galea

Sunday, November 1


Outside my window.
I wonder what your doing.
Are you awake.
Are you dreaming.
What are you thinking.

Who is Emmerge?

My photo
Melbourne, Australia
To understand is to lie.

Past always haunts.
